2022 Annual Review

2022 Annual Review

Another year has passed, so it’s time for the 2022 annual review. This is an opportunity for me to reflect on successes and learning opportunities over the year. It’s also an excellent opportunity to look forward to 2023 and set new goals. Of course, I...
Victory Through Experimentation

Victory Through Experimentation

It’s a little over a year since I picked up an Aerogarden and began growing with a simple hydroponics system. Since then, I’ve had some seeds that failed to grow, some that ended up being strangled out, and some that were so incredibly successful that I...
Failed: 2022 Outdoor Gardening Round-up

Failed: 2022 Outdoor Gardening Round-up

To say my outdoor garden failed this past year is a bit of an understatement. Other than a small handful of cherry tomatoes and an equally small handful of super sweet strawberries no larger than my thumbnail, I wasn’t able to get anything edible. I was able to...
Give it Away

Give it Away

Hydroponics My primary Thai Chillies bush is down to less than a dozen chillies, all of them unripened. At one point I had three or four dozen ready to go, so I decided to give them to other people to enjoy. I shared them with a handful of folk, and word spread....
Growing Up and Out

Growing Up and Out

It’s been a little while since I’ve provided an update. I’ve been tied up with school, work, and packing up my house to move. As a result, I’ll be spreading the posts out a little more than I originally hoped. On the bright side, I’ve...
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